Well done to all the boys and girls teams from all of our five local Primary Schools who played out their finals this evening in Tir Conaill Park. We had seven finals in total with 200 players taking part in a busy Tir Conaill Park. In girls finals there was win for both Scoil An Linbh Iosa teams, and Gaelscoil na gCeithre Maistri. In the boys finals there was wins for Scoil An Linbh Iosa A, Gaelscoil Na gCeithre Maistri, Glebe NS and Scoil An Linbh Iosa B played out a fantasic draw in their final to each receive a joint shield. Thanks goes to everyone that helped out each week of the league; especially our referees, to all the players who played all games in a great spirit, and to all the teachers/coaches for their continued efforts to promote GAA among their schools. A huge thanks also goes to the Cooney family for allowing the club to run the league each year (this is our 6th year) in memory of Michael, and to Michelle and Shauna Cooney for organising treats for every player each year.